The New 21st Century Super Model

When Dr. Mann began the task of bringing the Model concept into the 21st century, he had several goals:

  1. The new Model had to be based on the new, more powerful swings of the current PGA players.
  2. The modeling process had to be revised to improve the Model swing.
  3. The new clubs (hybrids) had to be added.
  4. The new model had to be more flexible in its ability to adapt to the average golfer.
  5. The tools used to develop and display the new Model needed to have the stability and technology advances available in the latest software.

Two years later, the revision is complete. The new Model is a powerful action capable of driving the ball over 300 yards with the Driver, yet still maintaining the grace and control required for consistency. See the power and grace of the new Model below.

As a teacher, you can imagine taking this Driver Model, or the Model for any club in the bag, and having it adjusted to the exact body dimensions and swing speed of your students. You no longer have to wonder what you need to do to maximize their performance; it is shown right before your eyes.

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