Component Based Golf Equipment Fitting System

Using the results from the SwingModel equipment research effort, in conjunction with TPT Golf, Swing Model has developed the first component based equipment fitting system.

This process begins with an evaluation of your student’s golf swing, identifying the errors, and determining the swing path and speed components of the student. Since the student’s golf shaft selection is dependent upon this information, it is a critical part of the process.

The next step is to identify the current equipment that your student is currently using. Since the ball launch results are dependent on the current equipment, it is critical that this information be collected.

Once this is done, the student takes 10 swings, with the ball and club results recorded with video and a launch monitor.

You can then use the SwingModel data base to determine the proper clubhead, shaft, and ball for the student. You can use the entire equipment database, or select specific clubheads, shafts, or balls. The resulting fit identifies the best three results for each component.

You can then have the student try any combination of the suggested components to determine the one that “feels” the best. Once the final selections are made, the entire Wood club set is displayed.

Once the set makeup is completed, and the grip selected, the fitting moves on to the Iron fitting. The same process is employed, with your student hitting a 6 Iron as the launch and video results are collected.

Once the entire club set is determined, the purchase is confirmed on-line, and the specifications are forwarded, via the Internet, to TPT Golf (or your own club builder) for fulfillment. In addition, all of the fitting results are sent to the TPT Golf website for the student to review at any time.

Finally, since TPT Golf stands behind its product with a performance guarantee (when fulfilled by TPT Golf), your student is assured of a successful fitting process. Since you know that the equipment that your students have is a major factor in maximizing their ability to improve, providing them with the best equipment for their game is imperative.

The beauty of this fitting system is that you can perform high quality equipment fitting without having to have years of fitting experience. The research performed by SwingModel gives you fitting expertise unavailable even from the best fitters. In addition, the revenue generated from fitting and sales provides an additional revenue source.

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